Java Mutation Testing for Eclipse

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03.11.2006 -first release of JMuTE

25.10.2006 - account on Source Forge created

11.06.2006 - first of part of work finished Logo

  current features
JMuTE is a tool for Mutation Testing in Eclipse. The project is in alpha phase and we are still developing it. However, JMuTE has already some functionality.
The tool introduces 5 different mutations into java source code. The mutations are introduced on the syntax level. Thanks to this we are sure, that the mutated source code will be properly compiled. This mutations are:
  • IPC - Explicit call of a parent's constructor deletion. The IPC operator deletes super constructor calls, causing the default constructor of the parent class to be called.
    class MyClass extends ParentClass {
      public MyClass() {

     is converted into 
    class MyClass extends ParentClass {
      public MyClass() {

  • JSI - Static modifier insertion. The JSI operator adds the static modifier to change instance variables to class variables.
    class MyClass extends ParentClass {
      public List integerList;

     is converted into 
    class MyClass extends ParentClass {
      public static List integerList;

  • ASR - Short - Cut Assignment Operator Replacement. Replace short - cut assignment operators with other short - cut operator s of the same kind.
    a *= b;  is converted into  a += b;
  • COI - Conditional Operator Insertion. Insert unary conditional operators. To if statement "true ||" condition is add (so that the if statement is always true.
    if(a > b) {...}  is converted into  if(true || a > b) {...}
  • AOR - Arithmetic Operator Replacement. Replace basic unary arithmetic operators with other unary arithmetic operators. The preincrement operator is replaced by predecrement operator.
    --a;  is converted into  ++a;

After introducing avaiable mutations into the source code, all provided tests are run. Afterwards the HMTL report with results is generated. From ths report we can see which mutants stayed alive and witch one were killed.

  future features
Currently we are working on:
  • Enchancement in the created report. We want to add there more useful information.
  • Improvement in running tests. Now after introducing some of the avaiable mutations, there can be a situation when tested code would get into infotote loop. Such situation is solved by killing the thread with the running test after fixed amount of time (e.g. 1 second). We want to change this approach, so that the time, after which the thread should be killed, is estimated.
In the future we want to:
  • Create an Eclipse wizard in which user would choose a project, which he wants to test. This wizard would also allow user to set various options, e.g. which muations should be run.
  • Create an Eclipse view in which the result from testing would be presented.
  • Enlarge the set of avaiable mutations.

Copyright © 2004, Adam Particka. All Rights Reserved.